"Hoffman Weber Construction" Bracket Drag Racing Series
BIR’s "Hoffman Weber Construction" Bracket Drag Racing Series features some of the best amateur drag racing in the country as 250+ drag racers compete in 10 different classes. Fans can see dragsters, cars, trucks, bikes, snowmobiles and Junior Dragsters, all of which are competing for prize money, hardware and all-important series points that go toward series championships at the end of the season.
Bracket drag racing has been part of BIR’s racing program for over 30 years and has turned out some of the Midwest’s top amateur drag racers, many of whom have gone on to race professionally. It’s an exciting form of racing that created a unique community, where racers and their friends, families and fans enjoy a weekend at the track and a chance to socialize with others with a passion for racing. But it also means some highly competitive drag racing for fans.
Bracket racing is a handicapped form of competition where two vehicles of varying performance potentials can race on a potentially even basis. The anticipated elapsed times for each vehicle are compared, with the slower car receiving a head start equal to the difference of the two. With this system, virtually any two vehicles can be paired in a competitive drag race.