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Racer & Event Info

  • NEW FOR 2024
    - Hoffman Weber Construction is the 2024 Bracket Series Sponsor - The 2024 "Hoffman Weber Construction" Bracket Series will be a 10-race series - June 14th-16th will be an 1/8-mile race for all classes - Trophy classes will receive 2-time trials on all race days. - There will be no points fund for Trophy Classes in 2024 - May 3rd-5th - "Hoffman Weber Construction" Bracket Series Races 1 & 2 - May10th-12th - "Hoffman Weber Construction" Bracket Series Races 3 & 4 - May 31- June 2nd - "Hoffman Weber Construction" Bracket Series Races 5 & 6 *** Saturday June 1st NHRA.TV Challenge & JDRL Challenge races. All classes except Stock/SuperStock combo race for a Wally.*** - June 14th-16th - "Hoffman Weber Construction" Bracket Series Races 7 & 8 ***** All CLASSES WILL BE RACING 1/8th MILE THIS WEEKEND (Including TNT) ***** *** Saturday June 15th King of the Track, class winners (except Jr classes) will run off to win the King of the Track Wally *** - September 20th-22nd - "Hoffman Weber Construction" Bracket Series Races 9 & 10 - "ResTech Systems" Super Pro, "Track Stop" Pro ET, and "DOA" Drag Sleds & Bike will run 1/8th mile at all 10 races. - "Thunder Valley Classic Cars" Sportsman, "Feist Automotive & Towing" Stock/SuperStock combo, and Trophy classes will be scheduled to run 1/4 mile at all events EXCEPT JUNE 14-16. when all classes will be 1/8th mile. - All Classes will run 1/8th mile June 14-16 due to road course event restrictions - Friday Test N Tune will move to a 10:00 am start time to give racers an extra hour of track time. - “Last Racer Standing Bonus $$” to be added to program. $10.00 entry per class per race, 80% paid back to entered racer who goes the furthest in each class. - Season Points Tabulations will be updated for 2024. Round win points will be the same at all races and will not increase at each race as in previous years. All round wins will be worth the same whether in May or September. - Racers will no longer receive 100 bonus points for having an ETI performed. - Staging Timeout currently set at 7 seconds will be set to 10 seconds. - NHRA.TV Challenge & JDRL Challenge, June 1st, 2024, winners in all classes except S/SS combo will receive a Wally. - King of the Track will be June 15th, 2024, class winners (except jr classes) will run off for a Wally. - Wally’s from incomplete King of the Track, NHRA.TV Challenge, and JDRL Challenge races will no longer go to the class champions, the race will be moved to the next race date, even if race is following season. - BIR reserves the right to inspect any racecar with an MSD Grid ignition system at any time during an event to retrieve data that can detect the use of an ARC module/slew rate program. Along with random checks, BIR officials will check all class finalists running a “Grid” with an MSD race ignition test tool. - Beginning January 1st, 2024, A head and neck restraint device/system meeting SFI 38.1 is mandatory for any vehicle running 150 mph or faster for 1/4 or 1/8 mile or running 7.49 (*4.49) E.T. or quicker or by Class Requirements. An SFI 38.1 head and neck restraint device can be used with, or without, a neck collar; when a neck collar is not used, an SFI 3.3 head sock or SFI Spec 3.3 skirted helmet is required. - BIR requires all cars running 9.99 or faster in the quarter mile, 6.39 or faster in the 1/8th mile or 135 mph and faster to have a NHRA-accepted lower engine oil–retention device (diaper); A belly pan may be used in lieu of a device attached to the engine. If a belly pan is used, it must extend from frame rail to frame rail and extend forward of the harmonic balancer and rearward to rear engine plate incorporating a minimum 2” lip on all sides. A non-flammable, oil-absorbent liner mandatory inside of retention device. *Does not apply to stock/superstock combo* - Once an ETI is completed you will not be required to bring the vehicle to tech until the ETI expiration or the end of the season, whichever comes first. - All 10 races will be points earning for "Feist Automotive & Towing" Stock/Superstock Combo Class - "DOA" Dragsleds & Bike Class will have 2 qualifiers each day. - We will not be dropping any races from the year end points standings - There will be no attendance points for attending all 10 races - Racer Payout will stay the same as in 2023 See Racer payout Tab - Once "Round Robin" begins there will be a maximum of 15 minutes between rounds. The timer will begin once the final pair goes down the track. - Round 1 bye will be a random pick. Subsequent bye runs will be decided by best reaction time in prior round until it becomes system generated (Ladder). Bye will be held until used, holder is eliminated, or class is laddered. BIR implemented an oil down policy midseason 2023. This rule will be in effect for 2024. Oil Down Policy Test & Tune (TNT) Tech Cards for Weekend First Oil Down: No penalty Second Oil Down: loss of TNT tech card for that day. If racer wants to buy another TNT card for the same weekend, payment of $250.00 cash penalty to the race director is required prior to the purchase of a new TNT card. Third Oil Down: Tech card will become void and no additional tech cards can be purchased for that weekend or event. Event Tech Cards First Oil Down: No penalty Second Oil Down: $250.00 penalty will be paid to the race director to be eligible to continue racing that event. Third Oil Down: Disqualification from the current event (All tech cards will be void with no refunds) Note: this applies to any event on the drag strip, including but not limited to each Muscle Car series event (Street Car Showdown, Show N Go, Muscle Car Shootout), "Hoffman Weber Construction" Bracket Series (per race day as each is a separate event), or Northstar Speed Summit. An “clean-up” is defined as any incident requiring the use of mechanical equipment (i.e., tractor, truck, tenant, sweeper, etc.) to clean up fluids (e.g., engine oil, gear oil, anti-freeze, transmission fluid, etc.) deposited on the track by a race vehicle (car, dragster, bike, sled, etc.). Spills or drops of fluids cleaned up by hand are not considered violations and penalties will not apply. On occasion, equipment will be used to touch up the racing surface. Such maintenance is not considered a clean-up. This policy encompasses the entire length of the “track surface”, including but not limited to the staging lanes, burnout box, starting line, racing surface and the shutdown area to the point the vehicle exits (including the turnout area if clean-up results in a delay of the race). - The removal of objects such as blower belts or miscellaneous parts from the track surface does not constitute an “clean up”. It also does not apply to fuel, fire extinguishing systems, drive line parts (not including fluids), wheels, tires, brake systems, etc. An oil/liquid cleanup resulting from a crash will not result in a penalty unless the accident was a result of depositing oil/liquids on the track. - BIR requires all cars running faster than 9.99 in the quarter mile, 6.39 in the 1/8th mile or 135 mph and faster to have a NHRA-accepted lower engine oil–retention device (diaper); A belly pan may used in lieu of a device attached to the engine. If a belly pan is used, it must extend from frame rail to frame rail and extend forward of the harmonic balancer and rearward to rear engine plate incorporating a minimum 2” lip on all sides. A non-flammable, oil-absorbent liner mandatory inside of retention device. - Use of engine oil containment device is highly recommended in all vehicles
    Racer and Spectator General Admission Ticket Prices (Gate / Online in advance): Thu-Sun - $70 / $65 (if purchased online) Fri-Sun - $65 / $60 (if purchased online) Sat-Sun - $50 / $45 (if purchased online) Friday Only – $35 Saturday Only – $35 Sunday Only – $15 Kids 12 and under are FREE. Camping Basic camping is included in multi-day tickets between days purchased. Full-Service sites in the PleasureLand RV VIP Campground are an additional $40 per night - sites include: Power, water & septic hook-up. Single Day Tickets Single-day tickets expire one hour after the completion of racing. Anyone remaining and found by security will be asked to leave for the remainder of the evening or need to purchase a full event ticket. Racer admission (general admission) and race entry are separate fees. Racer and spectator admission is paid at the front gate while race entry will be processed at BIR’s Shirt Shack. BIR Season Champion Gold Cards will cover both general admission and racer entry. Otherwise, a general admission ticket must be purchased by anyone entering the facility. This includes all Racers, Crew, and Spectators, as well as anyone wishing to “drop” a trailer. Race Entry Fee (Racers also need a General Admission ticket for entry) "Feist Automotive & Towing" Stock/Super Stock – $100 per race - MCR Race Weekends - tech cards $130 per race Bracket Class – $85 per race ("Res Tech Systems" Super Pro, "Track Stop" Pro ET, "Thunder Valley Classic Cars" Sportsman, and "DOA" Dragsleds and Bike Class) Trophy Classes – $35 per race (Comp Trophy & Street Trophy) Jr Street: $35 per race. Jr. Dragster – $30 per race (Jr. Advanced (ages 13-18), Jr. Intermediate (ages 10-12), Jr. Novice (ages 8-9), Jr. Youth (ages 6-7), Jr. Trainee (age 5). *** Jr. Youth will run with the Novice class *** Licensing Passes – $65 per weekend Jackpot – $50 per race Last Racers Standing Bonus $$ Challenge- $10.00 per race Friday – Open Test & Tune – $65 per day (Basic Test & Tune. Make as many runs as time allows.) Jr. Dragster Test & Tune – $30 per day Points Fund – Cash Payout Classes $45 per season Points Fund – Jr Classes $20 per season Reserved Parking Reserved Pro Pad Stalls & Pit Spaces will be available again for the 2024 "Hoffman Weber Construction" Bracket Series season. The convenience of a reserved parking space is that you can show up anytime and still get your same spot and have the same neighbors. You can reserve almost any space on the property for all five bracket race weekends. The cost is $360 for a Pit Space with electricity or $160 for a spot without electricity. Individual weekends are available for non-reserved pro pad stalls, the price is $90 with power and $40 without power. Racer Parking Racer parking is available throughout the facility on a first-come, first-served basis, except for custom reserved spots and unreserved pro pad spots. Pro-Pad (Asphalt Parking) spots are available for purchase for the season or by event weekend. The triangular area adjacent to the Race Control Tower is now a non-pit type, daytime only parking area. Garage Stalls A & B Garage Stalls will be available for secure overnight storage at most events. This may appeal to the racer who has an open trailer or is tenting for the weekend. Race-to-Race Storage ** Race-to-Race Trailer or Motorhome Storage Fee – $40** For those who do not want to pull a rig back and forth between races, we offer on-site storage. Storage fees must be paid at the front gate or at the Shirt Shack prior to noon on Sunday, a waiver for release of liability must be signed when purchasing. **Race-to-race storage will NOT be allowed from August 1st-August 31st due to the NHRA Nationals. Racer & Crew Conduct Persons who are endangering others with reckless and inconsiderate driving habits in or on a race vehicle or pit vehicle will be expelled from the race facility without refund. Persons willfully causing damage to BIR property or failing to pay for services received will result in fines and or expulsion from the facility without refund.
    THURSDAYS 5pm . . . Spectator gate opens FRIDAYS 7am – 7pm . . . Racer Registration/Shirt Shack 9am – 7pm . . . Tech Inspection 10am – 6pm . . .Test & Tune 2:00pm . . .Jackpot race called to staging SATURDAYS 7am . . . Track Opens 7am – 6pm . . . Racer Registration/Shirt Shack 8am – 5pm . . . Tech Inspection 9am . . . Time Trials, Qualifying, & Eliminations SUNDAYS 7am . . . Track Opens 7am – 2pm . . . Racer Registration/Shirt Shack 8am – 11am. . . . Tech Inspection 9am . . . Time Trials, Qualifying, & Eliminations Friday Giz/No Giz Jackpot Races Plus Test-N-Tune! Friday test day will be at all 5 events 10am – 6pm (Racers will called to staging at 2:00 for Jackpot Races) $65 test n tune, $30 Junior. Everyone racing will buy into Jackpot race for $50 and will use standard jackpot payout 1 time trial, out and done without a TNT. Jackpot racers who purchase a test day are allowed to keep testing after they are eliminated. Time permitting BIR may run 50/50 dash for the cash races. $20 entry, 1 pass. Best package takes half the pot! 50/50 box and no box races may be called to allow more time between race rounds in progress. 50/50 race is for contestants out of eliminations only! Saturday/Sunday Run order "Res Tech Systems" Super Pro, "Track Stop" Pro Et, and "Thunder Valley Classic Cars" Sportsman classes will get 1 time trail per race day. Trophy Classes will receive 2 time trails each race day. "D.O.A." Dragsleds and Bike Class, Jr Dragster, and Jr. Street will have 2 qualifying sessions each race day. "Feist Automotive & Towing" Stock/Super Stock will receive 2 qualifying sessions on Saturday and 1 qualifier on Sunday. The program will start the day with a time trial for: "Track Stop" Pro ET, Jr Street (qualifier), "Res Tech Systems" Super Pro. Run order to follow for the day: Trophy, "Track Stop" Pro ET, Jr Street, "Feist Automotive & Towing" Stock/SuperStock, "D.O.A." Dragsleds Bike/Sled, "Thunder Valley Classic Cars" Sportsman, "Res Tech Systems" Super Pro, License/Test, Junior Dragsters Sunday run order is the same. (Run order may change if the need arises. Stay tuned to BIR radio for details) Times and Run order are subject to change, keep tuned to announcements if/when a change is necessary. Current Run Schedule - subject to change. Stay tuned to BIR Radio for announcements if/when a change is necessary.
    "Res Tech Systems" Super Pro: Dial-in (handicap start) class. For vehicles (including motorcycles & snowmobiles) running 4.00 to 8.00 1/8th mile times; Computer, unless OEM stock, stutter boxes-PROHIBITED. The use of any programmable multi-point rev limiter and/or a rate-of-acceleration rpm limiter, either by themselves (e.g., MSD7561, MSD 7761) or integrated into the ignition system (e.g.,MSD 7531), is PROHIBITED in BIR bracket series competition. Delay boxes, transbrake, four-wheel line-lock, automated shifters, throttle controls and starting line and or “high side” Rev Limiters Permitted. .500 full tree, Cross Talk is “On.” Cars running 9.99/6.39 or 135 mph or faster are required to have an engine diaper or oil containment belly pan. $85 entry per race "Track Stop" Pro ET: Dial-in (handicap start) class. For vehicles (including motorcycles & snowmobiles) running 5.00 to 9.00 1/8th mile times; NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES. Computer (unless OEM stock), Data Recorders, Stutter boxes, Throttle stops, and Delay boxes are PROHIBITED. Delay boxes must be removed from vehicle. The use of any programmable multi-point rev limiter and/or a rate-of-acceleration rpm limiter, either by themselves (e.g., MSD7561, MSD 7761) or integrated into the ignition system (e.g.,MSD 7531), is PROHIBITED in BIR bracket series competition. Trans Brake, Dual Line-locks are allowed as long as the wiring consists of a single continuous wire from the power source to the switch and single continuous wire from the switch to the trans brake or line-lock. All Trans-Brake buttons must be NHRA accepted. Shifter; mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrically operated shifter permitted. Two (2) step rev limiter permitted. .500 full tree. NO TOW VEHICLES. Cars running 9.99/6.39 or 135 mph or faster are required to have an engine diaper or oil containment belly pan. $85 entry per race "Thunder Valley Classic Cars" Sportsman: Dial-in (handicap start) class. For vehicles running 11.60 to 19.99 ¼ mile 7.36 to 14.50 1/8th mile; Computer (unless OEM), Data Recorders, Delay boxes, trans brake, automated shifter (unless OEM), Throttle stops, and Stutter Boxes PROHIBITED. Delay boxes must be removed from vehicle. The use of any programmable multi-point rev limiter and/or a rate-of-acceleration rpm limiter, either by themselves (e.g., MSD7561, MSD 7761) or integrated into the ignition system (e.g.,MSD 7531), is PROHIBITED in BIR bracket series competition. Two-wheel line locks only are permitted. Ignition: Single stage, ‘high side’ rev limiter permitted. Starting line rev limiter prohibited. Rev limiter or any other rpm limiting devices, legal unto themselves but altered or installed in any manner to function as a down-track rpm controller prohibited. Crank Trigger is PROHIBITED unless OEM Distributor less ignition. Slicks are permitted and mufflers are optional. NO TOW VEHICLES. .500 full tree. $85 entry per race "DOA" Dragsleds and Bike Class: Dial-in (handicap start) class. For motorcycles, sleds running 4.00 to 14.50 1/8th mile; ELECTRONICS ALLOWED. The use of any programmable multi-point rev limiter and/or a rate-of-acceleration rpm limiter, either by themselves (e.g., MSD7561, MSD 7761) or integrated into the ignition system (e.g.,MSD 7531), is PROHIBITED in BIR bracket series competition. Full all-leather suit mandatory on motorcycles running 120 mph or faster. Two-piece suits must be joined together with a metal zipper at the waist. SFI Spec 40.1/1 or 40.1/2 suit or leather jacket, leather boots/shoes above the ankle, leather gloves, and tether are mandatory on ALL motorcycles. Gloves must be Kevlar-lined or equipped with slide buttons. .500 full tree. Cross talk is “on”. $85 entry per race "Feist Automotive & Towing" Stock/Super Stock: Dial-in (handicap start) class. Category uses the NHRA class rules & index system; breakout rules apply. .500 full tree. $100 entry per race. **Additional Tech Card fee for MCR Races TBD** Jackpot Racing: BIR will run a jackpot race on every Friday test day and as time allows on race days. Test day purchase not required to join the race! $50 entry per race Gizmo Jackpot: Same rules as Super Pro – .500 full tree, Cross Talk is “on.” $50 entry per race Non-Gizmo Jackpot: Same rules as Pro – .500 full tree, $50 entry per race 50/50 Dash for the Cash: $20 entry, 1 pass. Best package takes half the pot! 50/50 box and no box races may be called to allow more time between race rounds in progress. 50/50 race is for contestants out of eliminations only! Last Racers Standing Bonus $$ Challenge- $10.00 per race per class, Racer who is last entered competitor in his/her class will receive 80% of pot. Non-Cash Purse Classes Trophy Classes: Car & driver combo cannot be entered into any other class in the same race. No points program for Trophy Classes in 2024 Comp Trophy: Cars or Bikes, Dial-in (handicap start) class. No electronics. Trans brake permitted. 11.50 to 13.99 ¼ mile 7.36 to 8.59 1/8th mile: .500 full tree. $35 entry per race Street Trophy: Cars or bikes, Dial-in (handicap start) class. No electronics. Open to all street legal cars and trucks. No slicks, cars must have mufflers. 14.00 second and up ¼ mile 8.60 and up 1/8th mile: .500 full tree. $35 entry per race Jr Street: $35 entry per race. Jr Dragsters: $30 entry per race. BIR follows the NHRA Junior Dragster Rulebook for our Junior Dragster Program. Jr Drag Racing League (JDRL) rule book is now part of 2024 NHRA Rulebook. NHRA Rule Book (includes Jr Street & Jr Dragster)
    Racer Payout for "Res Tech Systems" Super Pro & "Track Stop" Pro ET 65 cars & more: Win = $2,000 R/U = $750 Round loss pays: Round 3 – $75 Round 4 – $125 Round 5 – $200 Round 6 – $275 33-64 cars: Win = $2,000 R/U = $500 Round loss pays: Round 3 – $75 Round 4 – $125 Round 5 – $200 Payouts for Jackpot, "Thunder Valley Classic Cars" Sportsman, "Feist Automotive & Towing" S/SS, and "DOA" Dragsleds and Bike Class Total payout = 80% of “Racer Entry” x “Number of Racers” Round 3 loss = race entry Round 4 loss = racer entry x 2 (Starts at 17 entries) Round 5 loss = racer entry x 4 (Starts at 33 entries) Round 6 loss = racer entry x 6 (Starts at 65 entries) The remaining balance is split 1/3 Runner Up, 2/3 Winner For all races: If a race cannot be finished, 80% of remaining racer entry is prorated out to those competitors still in eliminations
    Jr Street will be part of the 2024 "Hoffman Weber Construction" Bracket Drag Racing Series and part of the 2024 Bracket Points Program and will be eligible to race at the 2024 Division 5 ET Finals. AGE REQUIREMENTS Licensed participants must be at least 13 years old and may participate through the year of their 16th birthday. NHRA Jr. Street is for drivers of full-bodied cars, trucks, vans, or SUVs. Prohibited vehicles include open-top SUVs or open-top SUV-type vehicles. Convertible tops are allowed but must be closed at all times. Motorcycles and race cars are prohibited. All vehicles must be street-legal and driven in and carry proof of vehicle registration and valid insurance. Vehicles also must display valid license plates and be able to pass all state highway safety requirements for the state in which the vehicle is registered. Competitors in the NHRA Jr. Street program will go through an orientation/licensing procedure on an eighth-mile dragstrip in their vehicles, which must meet program requirements. Approved vehicles must be registered, insured, street-legal vehicles with mufflers and street tires and limited to 9 seconds and slower. LICENSED SUPERVISING ADULT All runs must be made with an approved licensed supervising adult, who must be the participant’s parent or legal guardian or 25 years of age or older with a valid state driver’s license. The licensed supervising adult must be seated in the passenger seat of the vehicle anytime the participant is in the driver’s seat. The teen may only drive the vehicle from the staging lanes to the starting line, on the track, and on the return road as far as the time-slip booth. The licensed supervising adult must drive the vehicle in the pits, into the staging lanes, and must take over after the run on the return road past the time-slip booth CREDENTIALS A valid NHRA Jr. Street program participant license and NHRA membership are mandatory. License application must be fully completed and submitted to NHRA in Glendora, Calif., for processing. License application available at All new license applications must include a certified copy of the participant’s birth certificate and a completed and notarized minor waiver and release. Approved passes are required by the participant: a minimum of five (5) with a licensed supervising adult and one (1) with an NHRA track official, who will determine the safety and eligibility of the vehicle per elapsed time limits. After six (6) successful runs by the participant, the official and licensed supervising adult will sign the license application. An NHRA track official may deny a license to anyone he or she believes cannot handle the vehicle. If an NHRA track official denies an applicant, he or she must repeat the entire licensing procedure. As part of the licensing process, an NHRA track official also will conduct a vehicle orientation test (to demonstrate mastery of vehicle’s controls), a basic driving test (to demonstrate mastery of vehicle operation), and track orientation (to identify track fixtures, starting line, timing system, return road, time-slip booth, etc.). A vehicle orientation test is required for each vehicle entered in competition. An NHRA track official or licensed supervising adult must be in the vehicle at all times during the licensing procedure. DRIVER RESTRAINT SYSTEM – Use of seat belts is mandatory for both the participant and licensed supervising adult. REQUIREMENTS & SPECIFICATIONS Participant may only drive the vehicle from the staging lanes to the starting line, on the track, and on the return road as far as the time-slip booth. The licensed supervising adult must drive the vehicle at all other times. Helmets are mandatory for the participant and the licensed supervising adult. Helmet can be either an open-face or a full- face helmet meeting Snell: M2015, M2020, SA2015, SA2020, SFI: 31.1/2015, or 31.1/2020; FIA: 8860-2010, 8860-2015, or 8860-2018 helmet and shield mandatory. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING No shorts, bare legs, tank tops, or bare torsos permitted while racing (applies to both participant and licensed supervising adult) Jr Street will be on a ladder qualified by reaction time. Jr Street will compete in the Junior Drag Racing League Challenge Participants may not compete in any other class except Jr. Dragster. Jr Street Rule Book
    ALL Jr Dragsters: $30 entry per day. BIR follows the NHRA Junior Dragster Racing League (JDRL) Rulebook for our Junior Dragster Program. JDRL Rulebook is now part of 2024 NHRA Rulebook. Trainee: age 5; elapsed time restricted to 20.00 seconds or slower; no racer can run faster than 20.00. Limited to noncompetition, single passes. No points or trophies for this class. Trainees will be given 2 passes during time trials, 1 first round, and 1 at the end of the day if time permits Youth: ages 6 and 7; dial-in restricted to 13.90 or slower based on either an e.t. dial-your-own or heads up basis.; breakout rules apply. In qualified events, no racer can qualify quicker than 13.90. Youth class will run with Novice class Novice: ages 8 and 9; dial-in restricted to 11.90 seconds or slower based on either an e.t. dial-your-own or heads-up basis; breakout rules apply. Intermediate: ages 10 to 12; dial-in restricted to 8.90 seconds or slower based on either an e.t. dial-you-own or heads up basis; breakout rules apply. Advanced: ages 13 to 18; dial-in restricted to 7.90 seconds or slower based on either an e.t. dial-your-own or heads-up basis. JDRL Rule Book
    NHRA Summit Racing Jr. Drag Racing League Challenge – June 1st, 2024 The NHRA Summit Racing Jr. Drag Racing League Challenge is Saturday June 1st, 2024, and is a chance for drivers who compete in BIR’s Jr. Dragster classes & Jr Street class to earn a Wally trophy as the Challenge champion. If the weather stops racing before the finals in a class on Saturday, the Challenge will be moved to the next open race date even if that race is the following season. The following are the four Junior classes: Junior Street – ages 13-16 Junior Dragster Advanced – for ages 13-18 Junior Dragster Intermediate – for ages 10-12 Junior Dragster Youth/Novice – for ages 6-7/8-9 NHRA.TV Challenge – June 1st, 2024 The NHRA.TV Challenge will take place Saturday June 1st, 2024. The Challenge will give racers who participate in the Bracket Drag Racing Series the opportunity to race for their very own NHRA Wally trophy. BIR racers who compete in "Res Tech Systems" Super Pro, "Track Stop" Pro ET, "Thunder Valley Classic Cars" Sportsman, "DOA" Dragsleds and Bike Class, Street Trophy and Comp Trophy will all have their chance at taking home their very own Wally. If the weather stops racing before the finals in a class on Saturday, the Challenge is moved to Sundays Race for that class. If the Sunday race cannot be completed the race will move to the next open race date, even if the race is in the following season. Summit King of the Track – June 15th, 2024 King of the Track: Class winners on June 15th will race off for the 2024 King of the Track. The overall winner will receive a King of the Track Wally trophy, a King of the Track hat, and a Championship decal. *Classes competing in the King of the Track are "Res Tech Systems" Super Pro, "Track Stop" Pro ET, "Thunder Valley Classic Cars" Sportsman, "DOA" Dragsleds and Bike Class, "Feist Automotive & Towing" Stock/Super Stock, Comp Trophy, Street Trophy 2024 NHRA Division 5 ET Finals – September 12th-15th BIR will pay a bonus to any competitor on our ET finals team who wins their class in 2024! -$5000 for the win in Super Pro/Pro ET -$4000 for the win in Sportsman -$3000 for the win in Bike/Sled -$2000 to the parents of the competitors in High School -$500 for the win in the Race of Champions (x5 classes = $2500) Flying H will host the 2024 NHRA West Central Division Summit Racing ET Finals, which will feature the top amateur drag racers from 12 racetracks across the Midwest. The ET Finals highlights BIR’s Bracket Drag Racing Series and similar programs at each track. BIR will have a team comprised of the top drivers in its Bracket Drag Racing Series who are individually selected based on their position in the points standings and their availability. They will compete against teams from tracks in the five-state area plus Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Colorado. Teams compete in seven different classes – Super Pro, Pro ET, Sportsman, Motorcycle/Snowmobile, High School, Jr. Street, and EV – with individual and team honors, $100,000 in prize money and contingency awards on the line. The class champions from the ET finals will be going on to Las Vegas for a chance to be crowned a world champion!! The ET Finals also includes the Race of Champions, which is a race within a race. Each team identifies one driver in each of the five classes to represent the team in the Race of Champions. BIR’s race of Champions participants will be those highest in the points standings in their class at the time of team selection. Those drivers are then paired up in an elimination format by class to determine the Race of Champions winner. The Champion winner will be next in line if the class event champion is unable to attend the Summit ET Finals in Las Vegas. $1000 scholarship for High School Champion. Time trials and the Race of champions are on Friday with eliminations held on Saturday. GO BIR!
    Beginning January 1st, 2024, A head and neck restraint device/system meeting SFI 38.1 is mandatory for any vehicle running 150 mph or faster for 1/4 or 1/8 mile or running 7.49 (*4.49) E.T. or quicker or by Class Requirements. An SFI 38.1 head and neck restraint device can be used with, or without, a neck collar; when a neck collar is not used, an SFI 3.3 head sock or SFI Spec 3.3 skirted helmet is required. BIR requires all cars running 9.99 or faster in the quarter mile, 6.39 or faster in the 1/8th mile or 135 mph and faster to have a NHRA-accepted lower engine oil–retention device (diaper); A belly pan may used in lieu of a device attached to the engine. If a belly pan is used, it must extend from frame rail to frame rail and extend forward of the harmonic balancer and rearward to rear engine plate incorporating a minimum 2” lip on all sides. A non-flammable, oil-absorbent liner mandatory inside of retention device. ** This will not apply to Stock/Superstock cars competing in the S/SS combo class ** Brainerd International Raceway is an NHRA Member Track and will operate by NHRA requirements and specifications. For detailed safety and general guidelines, and bracket racing requirements, refer to the NHRA Rule Book. 2024 NHRA Rule Book BIR Requires a Snell 2015 or 2020 Helmet for all competitors. 1. Seat belts must be worn and adjusted in such a manner that the driver’s torso and head cannot extend outside the parameters of the roll cage. Loosening or removing seat belts, helmets, gloves, and window nets, lifting the helmet shield, and removing all other safety equipment is prohibited from the time the vehicle leaves the ready line until the vehicle is on the return road. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action in the sole and absolute discretion of the event director and/or NHRA. Please remember to buckle your helmet, our start line is watching! 2. As a courtesy to all the drivers, please get to staging lanes promptly when called, there will be a total of 3 calls to staging. Lanes are closed when the last pair enters the burnout box. 3. Once "Round Robin" begins there will be a maximum of 15 minutes between rounds. The timer will begin once the final pair goes down the track. 4. The official has the final say in all cases. The computer is an official. 5. Do not stage until the scoreboard indicates your correct dial-in. All drivers, by pre-staging their vehicles, will automatically indicate to the tower that they accept their dial-in on the score board. Please check to see that it is correct before you stage! Re-runs WILL NOT be granted for an incorrect dial-in. If in doubt, ask the starter to verify your dial-in before you pre-stage. 6. Your dial-in must be displayed before crossing the red line. This line is at the head of the staging lanes. If you have no dial-in on your car, you will be dialed the same as your opponent. 7. The pairings are determined by the staging director in the staging lanes. The director’s pairings are final: You will race who you are paired with or lose the round by forfeit. The director will use a random drawing system to determine these pairings and lane choice. The decision is final. 8. In the event cars have been paired up and called to start and one fails to start or move, the non-offending competitor will be required to take the tree. A vehicle must leave the starting line forward, under its own power, to be eligible for a win. 9. If a vehicle has problems before staging, it will be given 2 minutes to re-start or correct. The actual time allowed will be at the discretion of the starter and based on the situation at hand. The starter shall have total discretion of the time allotted to stage a pair of vehicles and activate the tree. Track officials will make every effort to determine winners on the racetrack by competition, not by disqualification. Their decision will be final. 10. Auto-start will be used in all classes (except Jr. Dragster Novice class). Movement of a “staged” vehicle after the tree is armed will result in a red-light foul, even though it may occur before the tree counts-down. Also called a “shallow-stage red” it is not grounds for protest or re-run. 11. You cannot enter two drivers in one vehicle in any single BIR class. You may not switch drivers once eliminations have begun. You must finish eliminations with the vehicle/driver you started with. 12. Drivers may enter more than one point fund for different classes. The driver is responsible for being on time for the appropriate class. 13. Stay with your vehicle in the staging lanes. Be ready ahead of time for your pass. If you are not ready to run when called, you may be disqualified. The staging director’s decision will be final. 14. No burnouts in the staging lanes or pit areas. No stationery burnouts – except in the water box. Power burnouts across the line are not allowed unless directed by a track official. One (1) backup is allowed to all competitors, for the purpose of re-positioning their vehicle on the starting pad. The car must always pull forward into a staged position, backing into a staged position is dangerous and strictly prohibited!!! 15. Timed ignition-interruption devices (stutter boxes) prohibited. Starting-line and/or “high-side” rev limiters permitted. Two-steps, rev limiters, or any other rpm-limiting devices, legal unto themselves but altered or installed so as to function as a down-track rpm controller, prohibited 16. The use of any programmable multi-point rev limiter and/or a rate-of-acceleration rpm limiter, either by themselves (e.g., MSD7561, MSD 7761) or integrated into the ignition system (e.g.,MSD 7531), is prohibited in BIR bracket series competition. 17. BIR reserves the right to inspect any racecar with an MSD Grid ignition system at any time during an event to retrieve data that can detect the use of an ARC module/slew rate program. Along with random checks, BIR officials will check all class finalists running a “Grid” with an MSD race ignition test tool. 18. Only mechanical starting line controllers permitted in Pro and Sportsman only. Use of mechanical device must be completely in driver’s control. Release of mechanical device must be spring activated only (released on full throttle activation). All other forms of starting line controllers prohibited in all E.T. classes. 19. Delay boxes must be removed from the car in all no-box classes. If a delay box is found during a run the competitor is disqualified for that season, with the season forfeited, loss of all points and winnings, and a one-year suspension. 20. Tow vehicles are only allowed for “Res Tech Systems” Super Pro, “DOA Dragsleds” and Bike Class and Junior Dragsters only. The driver must stay with the tow vehicle at all times. 21. In case of vehicle malfunction, please move your vehicle out of the groove and next to the guard wall. This may keep oil from your car off the racing surface. 22. In the unlikely event of a re-run, the re-run competitors will not be allowed to change their dial-ins or lane choice. 23. In classes laddered by reaction time lane choice in round one of eliminations will be awarded to the racer with the lowest qualifying position of the pair. Lane choice in each subsequent round will be determined by a coin toss. 24. Round one bye will be random. Subsequent bye runs will be decided by previous rounds ‘best reaction time’ until it becomes system generated (on a ladder). A driver awarded a bye will ‘carry’ that bye until used or is eliminated from competition, then a new ‘bye’ will be chosen. A driver will not be eligible for a second bye until that class is on a ladder. A driver who has the ‘bye run’ must leave the starting line forward, under its own power, to be eligible for a win. 25. If the official time or race results need to be checked, please check with the Race director for the event. BIR reserves the right to confirm or overturn a race result based on recorded video or official eyewitness account. Please retain your time ticket for the last round you ran, you may need it for verification. 26. Cross talk will be used in "Res Tech Systems" Super Pro, "DOA" Dragsleds & Bikes, Gizmo Jackpots, and King of the Track. If you do not wish to use this feature there must be a BIR approved “N” on your car. See The Tech Dept. for more information. 27. True Start will be used in all classes 28. All protests and appeals must be made to the Race Director. Filing a protest during an event does not disqualify any entry until that entry is proven to be illegal by BIR or NHRA officials. NHRA rulebook procedures will be followed in all cases of protest, and in all instances no other entries will be reinstated based on the outcome of the protest. 29. Time trials are made by class when called by the announcer. Extra time trials are not allowed unless specifically approved by the Race Director. Exceptions may be made by the Race Director when a competitor must substitute a vehicle or demonstrates that factors beyond their control caused them to miss the final scheduled run session. The Race Director may grant one time run in such cases, provided a hardship exists. 30. In money classes, when a driver breaks after having won the round and cannot make the next round, he/she will be paid the next round loser pay. 31. Racer payout will be sent via Direct Deposit and/or checks will be mailed on Monday. If you would like to sign up for direct deposit, please contact the BIR Front Office. 32. All drivers and crew members entering a restricted area must sign the appropriate Waiver and Liability Releases. Minors under the age of 18 must have a Minor Release Form signed by both parents or legal guardians. In the case of a single parent (by means of divorce, death, or court order) or a legal guardian (by court order), a written notation must be made in the minor release form. 33. To enter any Restricted Area, any driver or crew member must possess and display a valid Restricted Area Wrist Band 34. All competitors need a General Admission ticket for facility entry. 35. Oil Down Policy Test & Tune (TNT) Tech Cards for Weekend First Oil Down: No penalty Second Oil Down: Loss of TNT tech card for that day. If racer wants to buy another TNT card for the same weekend, payment of $250.00 cash penalty to the race director required prior to the purchase a new TNT card. Third Oil Down: Tech card will become void and no additional tech cards can be purchased for that weekend or event. Event Tech Cards First Oil Down: No penalty Second Oil Down: $250.00 penalty will be paid to the race director to be eligible to continue racing that event. Third Oil Down: Disqualification from the current event (All tech cards will be void with no refunds) An “clean-up” is defined as any incident requiring the use of mechanical equipment (i.e., tractor, truck, tenant, sweeper, etc.) to clean up fluids (e.g., engine oil, gear oil, anti-freeze, transmission fluid, etc.) deposited on the track by a race vehicle (car, dragster, bike, sled, etc.). Spills or drops of fluids cleaned up by hand are not considered violations and penalties will not apply. On occasion, equipment will be used to touch up the racing surface. Such maintenance is not considered a clean-up. This policy encompasses the entire length of the “track surface”, including but not limited to the staging lanes, burnout box, starting line, racing surface and the shutdown area to the point the vehicle exits (including the turnout area if clean-up results in a delay of the race). The removal of objects such as blower belts or miscellaneous parts from the track surface does not constitute an “clean up”. It also does not apply to fuel, fire extinguishing systems, drive line parts (not including fluids), wheels, tires, brake systems, etc. An oil/liquid cleanup resulting from a crash will not result in a penalty unless the accident was a result of depositing oil/liquids on the track. Note: this applies to any event on the drag strip, including but not limited to, each Muscle Car series event (Street Car Showdown, Show N Go, Muscle Car Shootout), "Hoffman Weber Construction" Bracket Series (per race day as each is a separate event), or Northstar Speed Summit. 36. Rain delays are not considered a rainout. Until a decision has been made by management that an event has been cancelled or called, everyone must consider themselves on rain delay and not a cancellation... no credits will be given until this decision has been made. At that time, the policy below stands. If rain or other occurrence halts/cancels racing before the completion of the first round of eliminations of your class (but after time runs are completed), competitors will receive a race entry credit (less a $10 handling fee & $5 fee for the time trial/qualifier run taken). There will be no points or purse payout. This credit will be good for 1 year. If rain or other occurrence halts racing after the first round of eliminations for your class, points will be awarded to that point in the race. Payout will be divided among the remaining racers and no entry fee credit will be issued. If rain or other occurrence halts racing during a round of your class’s eliminations, applicable payouts and entry fee credits will be issued as if that class’s round had not started. Test n tune tech cards will be given a rain check unless the racer has entered the burnout box at any time during the event. Then the test and tune is considered complete at this time. Gate admission, parking, electric, and other BIR items are non-refundable.
    2024 "Hoffman Weber Construction" Bracket Drag Racing Series Points Program Season Points Fund: Racers in "Res Tech Systems" Super Pro, "Pure X-Hale" Pro ET, "Thunder Valley Classic Cars" Sportsman, "Feist Automotive & Towing" Stock/Super Stock, "DOA" Dragsleds and Bike Class, Jr Street and the Junior Dragster classes must sign up for the BIR Points Fund in their respective classes to be eligible to compete for that class's season championship, which includes over $10,000 in cash and prizes awarded, year-end trophies for the top three points finishers in each class, 2025 season Gold Cards and custom Champions Jackets for the top points earner in each class. In addition, each champion will be commemorated by having his or her name and class posted on the “Class Champion Banner” on the side of the VIP tower during the 2025 season. Points Fund membership is also required for participation in the ET Finals. The cost to enter the points fund is $45 for cash payout classes and $20 for Jr classes. **There will be no points program for Trophy Classes in 2024 Series Champions also earn admission to the 2024 Year End Racer Banquet. Points only track from purchase forward, so sign up for your points early to get all you can earn. ET Finals Team Selection Criteria It is BIR’s discretion how many entrants from each class are chosen. Participants will be chosen from the top of the points down with all races included and based on the racer’s availability to participate in the ET Finals. Points are totaled through the June 16th race for eligibility using all races included in the total. 2024 Points Program We will not be dropping any races, and the season will be decided by all 10 race days. There will be no bonus points for attending all 10 races. Show up points will only be awarded if a racer buys tech card and tech personnel inspect the vehicle and sign off on tech card. 2024 season points will now be tabulated as follows: 100 points for entering points (show up points) 101 points for Rd 1 win 102 points for Rd 2 win 103 points for Rd 3 win 104 points for Rd 4 win 105 points for Rd 5 win 106 points for Rd 6 win 107 points for Rd 7 win 108 points for Rd 8 win In addition to round points 5 points for race winner 3 points for race runner up 1 point for semi finalists Bonus Points awarded only if race is completed Year-end ties will be decided by First, the number of event wins. If still tied, the number of event runner ups. If points are still tied, racer with the most round wins will be declared champion. If there is still a tie, then winner will be declared by most head-to-head wins. If that still creates a tie the championship will go to the racer who won an event first.
    Bracket Drag Racing Series Points Standings CLICK HERE - to view the most current points standings for the 2024 "Hoffman Weber Construction" Bracket Drag Racing Series.
    All drivers and crew members entering a restricted area must sign the appropriate Waiver and Liability Releases. Minors under the age of 18 must have a Minor Release Form signed by both parents or legal guardians. In the case of a single parent (by means of divorce, death, or court order) or a legal guardian (by court order), a written notation must be made in the minor release form. To enter any Restricted Area, any driver or crew member must possess and display a valid Restricted Area Wrist Band.
    Brainerd International Raceway will again offer many convenience items and/or racing related amenities to help improve your overall experience. The following is a list of amenities available for the season so check them out and let us know those that fit your needs. Racer Parking Free racer parking is available throughout the facility on a first-come, first-served basis. The triangle area adjacent to the Race Control Tower is now a non-pit type, daytime only parking area. The paved Pro Pad parking spots are either pre-paid reserved parking (marked by the driver’s name or team designation along the fence line) or can be purchased at the ticket booths upon arrival. If you do not have a reserved pro pad stall, ask security before you unpack or you may be asked to move. Reserved Parking Reserved Pro Pad Stalls & Pit Stalls will be available again for the 2024 "Hoffman Weber Construction" Bracket Series season. The convenience of a reserved parking space is that you can reserve almost any space on the property for all five bracket race weekends; the cost is $360 for a pit space with power or $160 for a spot without. Race-to-Race Trailer or RV Storage For those who don’t want to pull your rig back and forth between races, we offer you a convenient place to park your rig out of the way. The cost is $40 for each race-to-race storage period and requires the racer to fill out a form. Forms and fees can be paid at the Front Gate Canopy or the Shirt Shack. ** PLEASE NOTE: Race-to-race storage will NOT be allowed from August 1 through August 31 due to the NHRA Nationals. ** Air-Conditioned Tower Suites Tower Suites are available to rent for all drag events other than the Lucas Oil NHRA Nationals. Get together with your friends and hang out in style. Our tower suites can seat up to 15 people comfortably and hold 20 people in total. They all have AC, refrigerators, tables, chairs and speakers hooked to the PA system. Catering is available for an extra charge and must be set up in advance. The cost of the tower suite is $125 per day; admission is not included with a suite rental. Rustic Camping If you feel as though you want to sleep out in the elements and commune with nature, we have a couple hundred acres of open space perfect for setting up a tent or a pop-up and getting away from it all without being too far from action. Camping fee is included between days of a multi-day ticket. Electrical Hookups Electricity is available in many places throughout the property, the cost is $40/weekend. Failure to pay for electricity may result in fines, or removal from the property. PleasureLand RV VIP Campground Sites Want more creature comforts than that? We do have 164 full-service campsites available for rent for most events. The cost is $40 additional per site per night, which includes hook-ups for water, electricity and sewer and includes a picnic table and fire ring. Limit of one camper/motorhome per site, however additional tent camping is allowed. On-Track Deluxe Condos If sleeping out under the stars is not for you, we also have 12 deluxe condominiums available for rent during the year. Each condominium has two bedrooms, two baths, a fully furnished kitchen and living room area with a gas fireplace and cable TV. For some events, the deluxe condominiums have already been sold out, so act fast. Event admission is not included with a condo rental. $214.75 per night
    All non-licensed motorized vehicles (any vehicle that doesn’t have current state roadworthy licensing) will require an authorization sticker to operate on BIR grounds. An authorization ticket is available for sale at the front gate during events. Pricing is as follows: 2024 Season Ticket (excluding Nationals, Street Outlaws, Northstar Speed Summit, Lakes Jam, Powercruise, or MotoAmerica) – $20 per year To purchase a non-licensed vehicle ticket, an adult (a person 18 years old or older) with a valid drivers license must sign a release waiver and take full responsibility for that vehicle and any and all injuries/damages it causes. The ticket is then redeemed for an individually numbered sticker to be placed on the front of the vehicle. Tickets can be redeemed for stickers by stopping by the Shirt Shack or by contacting any of our security guards and presenting the vehicle for inspection. (See vehicle guidelines below.) Vehicle guidelines It is not the responsibility of BIR for pit vehicle safety, it is the person who signs the release that takes full ownership of that vehicle to see that it is safely operated! The following is a list of guidelines with regards to vehicles. Trailer or “Partywagon” Guidelines • Trailers should not be wider than the tow vehicle. • All sharp edges should be padded. • All seats/tables should be bolted down, strapped or enclosed by sturdy railing. • Nighttime brings added concern for safety. Be careful! • NO GLASS CONTAINERS. BIR’s insurance company is now requiring all motorized vehicles (gas or electric) to have a flag attached at all times while operating on BIR property. Flag size is to be NO less than 10”x14” rectangle/triangle or 14”x14” square with a height off the ground of no less than 66 inches to the top of the flag. ----Exclusion from this rule and do NOT need a flag are: --Vehicles that are registered, have proof of insurance, and have current registration to operate on Minnesota highways. --Vehicles that are registered in the event as a race competitor. --Vehicles that have a roof that exceeds 66” in height. --BIR Official Vehicles that are being used on the racing surfaces. Age Limits and Restricted Areas All drivers and crew members entering a restricted area must sign the appropriate Waiver and Liability Releases. Minors under the age of 18 must have a Minor Release Form signed by both parents or legal guardians. In the case of a single parent (by means of divorce, death, or court order) or a legal guardian (by court order), a written notation must be made in the minor release form. To enter into any Restricted Area, any driver or crew member must possess and display a valid Restricted Area wristband. Motorized Vehicle Rules • The maximum speed limit inside BIR is 10 mph. • Drivers of all motorized vehicles must be at least 16 years old and carry a valid driver’s license. • All vehicles MUST HAVE functioning headlight and taillight from dusk through dawn. Flashlights do not qualify as a legal headlight or taillight. • All motorized vehicles MUST drive on the appropriate side of the road. • BIR reserves the right to confiscate pit transportation of any violators. Non-motorized vehicles: Bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, etc. No one under the age of 18 is allowed to operate non-motorized vehicles in the pit area during racing hours.









Mon - Thu: 8am - 4pm


General Questions:

Drag Strip & Tech Questions:





5523 Birchdale Rd

Brainerd, MN 56401


© 2023 Brainerd International Raceway

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